
Learn about what's new with Prestige Wellbeing as well as tips for better wellbeing

  • Women with Neck Pain

Favorite Things 2023 – Pain Relief

Pain Relief Unfortunately, aches and pains are a natural part of an active lifestyle. Here are some of my favorite products for relieving pain. Voltaren Gel Great for short term pain relief. Apply it 3-4x/day. Doesn’t [...]

  • Woman holding "Buy Some Good Books" sign.

Favorite Things 2023 – Books

Books and Informative Reading These books are worth reading. Burn Melt Shred Dr Ian Smith wrote this book that consists of easy recipes and meal plans that are affordable and family friendly. There is a breakdown of [...]

Extreme Calorie Restriction Diets

There are a ridiculous amount of low calorie diets that tempt people to lose weight.  The idea of the low calorie diet sounds like the quickest way to lose weight.  They say it isn't always easy, but you’ll get results.  However, [...]

Stay Fit During the Third Trimester and Beyond

Assuming there are no medical conditions necessitating the cessation of exercise, it should be continued throughout the entire pregnancy, including the third trimester.  I entered my third trimester with more energy than ever.  Perhaps it was because I knew I [...]

I Broke the “Rules”

I have read all sorts of weird rules for pregnancy and I believe I've broken most of them.  I'm here to shine some light on my reality (but please check with your doctor or HCP for advice and considerations specific [...]

January 1st: It’s Resolution Time

Only 8% of people who make New Year’s resolutions stick to them.  It is unrealistic to think that you can immediately overcome a habit you have spent years establishing.   Every year I make realistic resolutions and they are documented [...]

Let the Modifications Begin: 6 Months Pregnant

I am now 6 months pregnant.  I have been documenting my pregnancy in every way possible.  I take a measurement of my belly circumference and my weight, and write things down such as my cravings, my feelings, etc.  every week.  [...]

Practicing Selflessness

I am an only child.  My parents did everything they could to provide me with a happy, prosperous life.  I had many privileges that I am forever grateful for.  Just to give you an example, my entire education was paid [...]

“Each day is a new opportunity to improve yourself. Take it and make the most of it.”

“Each day is a new opportunity to improve yourself. Take it and make the most of it.”

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