There are a ridiculous amount of low calorie diets that tempt people to lose weight.  The idea of the low calorie diet sounds like the quickest way to lose weight.  They say it isn’t always easy, but you’ll get results.  However, there are many reasons why this is not always the smartest choice especially if you are restricting your calorie intake below 1,200.  
Our bodies our machines that run on fuel, called calories.  If it doesn’t get enough of them, you can deplete your body of energy, feel weak, begin to lose muscle, etc.; but if you get too much of them you can gain weight.  Quite the dilemma as you’re left wondering how many calories should you eat.
Every body requires a different amount of calories to function (known as basal metabolic rate, or “BMR”).  It’s what one’s body needs to breath, have their heart beat normally, digest food, etc.  A sedentary person will have a lower metabolic rate than an active person. Generally speaking many people now believe that a female body requires somewhere between 1,500-2,200 calories a day unless you are extremely active, such as an athlete.  If you go below your BMR your metabolism begins to slow.  If your metabolism begins to slow because you are eating too little, you won’t have the energy to exercise with intensity.
If you are training with me, you will do weight training and if weight loss is a goal, many times you’ll do circuits of cardio bursts followed by weight training.  Many women shy away from weight training or fear they will look “bulky”.  The fact is, the more muscle you have, the more calories you’ll burn naturally.  Your body requires energy so if it doesn’t get enough from the diet, it will then start to pull from muscle instead of fat.  This means you could also end up being the “skinny fat” person.  Nobody likes that person, especially you.  I refuse to have my clients end up being “skinny fat”.
The best way to lose weight is slowly and to do it consistently.  A number of my clients have perfect diets all week and then binge on the weekends.  This never works.  I will weigh you on Monday and if you’ve gained weight, plan for the worst workout ever.  But in all seriousness, if you want to lose weight, change your habits slowly over time and begin to get more physical.  You’ll be miserable depleting your body of its caloric needs.  Consider seeing a nutritionist to help guide you on meal planning and to help learn exactly how many calories your body requires.  If you’re still not losing weight, see your doctor for a simple blood test and to check your hormones.  That’s a whole other issue for a whole other blog post.

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