I am now 6 months pregnant.  I have been documenting my pregnancy in every way possible.  I take a measurement of my belly circumference and my weight, and write things down such as my cravings, my feelings, etc.  every week.  Dan has also been taking weekly photos. When it comes to exercise, I physically don’t feel much different, except that I know I have to modify some activities.  Here are my modifications:

  • Box jumps:  Only use 1 set of risers instead of 4.  My mom is rolling her eyes right now.   I think this is coming to an end soon.  I’m just too afraid of my baby bouncing around too much, even though I KNOW she’s comfy in my uterus.
  • Push ups: My belly hits the floor before I get my elbows at 90 degrees.  These are now performed elevated on a step and I transitioned to doing them on my knees because my core just doesn’t work the way it used to.
  • Planks: I didn’t do many of them before, and now they are in my daily routine.  I’m getting really creative with different techniques to make it interesting.
  • Core work: I am now doing a TON of standing ab work.  This is also an area I’m getting really creative at.  I’m doing more chops, unilateral weight lifting while kneeling on the BOSU, and using the stability ball and medicine balls more often.
  • Leg work: I used to wear a weighted vest on top of carrying weights.  Well, now I’m naturally carrying an extra 15 pounds, so I’ve nixed the dumbbells.
  • Cardio: I’ve lowered the intensity of my cardio workouts to avoid getting my heart rate above 160 and if I’m near 160, I don’t keep it there very long.  I’ve done a lot more treadmill exercises – walk a minute, jog a minute, etc.
  • DVDs: I can’t do the usual HIIT and Insanity like workouts I used to.  I know some pregnant women do insanity and crossfit through their entire pregnancy.   That’s just craziness to me and it’s my personal choice to not keep my heart rate above 160.  I have been doing more yoga DVDs.  I’ve even been doing Leslie Sansone’s walking DVDs.  I know you are shocked at this.  It’s NOT for senior citizens (although it totally can be).  I hold dumbbells and actually jump the moves.  My mom’s Body Bugg says she burns almost 400 calories in a DVD that’s less than an hour.
  • Weight lifting: I just haven’t been very motivated to keep up with weight lifting because for some reason, my usual routine is challenging.  I used to do a high repetition exercise for shoulders using 10 pounds and I can barely do 7 pounds now.   And while this frustrates me, I don’t seem to care as much.  I can still see definition, so I’m happy!  I know I’ll pick it up again in a few months after the baby is born and I’ll get my strength back.

My diet hasn’t changed too much except that I make sure I have snacks with me all the time.  Right now I have a Kashi bar and 1/2 a Hersheys bar in my purse, pistachios and another Kashi bar in my glove compartment and my top drawer at work is filled with a variety of snacks and pregnancy tea.  I have been eating my veggies and fruits every day and incorporated a lot more chocolate and the occasional cookie.  But other than that, things are relatively the same. I look forward to what the third trimester will bring.

6 Weeks Pregnant

6 Weeks Pregnant

6 months Pregnant

6 Months Pregnant

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