It’s time to start planning for the year ahead but first, I need to reflect on 2014.
My resolutions for 2014 were:

  1. Try to bring my baby in to the world with only using an epidural.  I’m going to try to avoid Pitocin and a c-section).  Notice I said “TRY” because it might be out of my control.  This can be accomplished.  And it was!  It might have been over 30 hours of labor, but I only used an epidural.
  2. Feel somewhat comfortable in a bikini by July 4th.  That’s about 3 months after the birth of my baby.  All I own is bikinis and I really just don’t want to buy another swimming suit.  Plus one-pieces just aren’t as cute. Check!
  3. Get back some sort of definition in my abs.  “Some sort” meaning anywhere from a 2-pack only noticeable when I flex or a full-on 6-pack. Check!
  4. Limit myself to only one “treat” per day while pregnant.  Note that this doesn’t include chocolate because that’s a staple in my diet.  I’m talking about the after-dinner cookies or extra chocolate.  I guess I found my craving this pregnancy and it has to stop.  It might just be the holidays, but my diligence to a healthy diet has been challenged for once in my entire life. I can’t for sure say I accomplished this 100% of the time, but I definitely came close.
  5. Make time for an outside exercise class after the baby arrives.  I’m assuming this will be returning to hot yoga.  That’s something I miss being pregnant especially in the winter months. I began bootcamp 5 weeks post-partum and recently returned to hot yoga now that it’s winter.
  6. Attend church more regularly.  Right now we are extremely irregular.  A regular pattern would mean roughly twice a month. My regular pattern is about 1x/month.  Church+baby=difficult.

I’m pretty happy with the resolutions I created for myself this past year as they were all (even if not 100%) accomplished.
So what does 2015 bring?

  1. Complete Duolingo’s basic Spanish on my iPad and begin practicing with my husband and mother-in-law.
  2. Enroll my baby in a music class and some other class (mommy n’ me, tumbling, etc).
  3. Make at least 2 new mom friends.  And actually get together with them.
  4. Say “thank you” to my husband daily.  Often times the little things go unnoticed and unappreciated.
  5. Do heavy weight training 1-2x/week.  I’ve only had energy for cardio and light weights for the past few months.

I’m excited for the year ahead!

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