How many diets and weight loss tips have you read?  From detox diets to fasting to the cabbage soup diet, there are an incredible amount of different diets out there, half of which I cringe at.  There are a million diets out there because none of them are all that successful, relevant to every person, or sustainable.  I’ve listed some healthy living tips below that I think anyone can pick and chose a few of these to help get you on the right path.  Some tips may not fit in your lifestyle, and I’m no doctor, but please read and see if any of these can be incorporated in to your daily routine.
1. Limit (or just remove) these items:

  • Butter and added oils.  They add unhealthy fats and high calories to your food.  Not necessary.
  • Colored sugar packets.  You don’t need extra sugar even though your taste buds think you do.
  • Cheese. High in sodium, cholesterol, fat, and calories and not really necessary.
  • Mindless snacking.  Get up and get moving instead.
  • Added salt.  It can lead to high blood pressure and heart issues and can makes your body retain water.  Not sexy.
  • Regular peanut butter. Go for all natural peanut butter that doesn’t have extra sugar and added preservatives like typical peanut butters do.
  • Milk.  Before you think I’m going overboard, listen up closely.  Regular milk has additives and preservatives to keep it lasting longer on the shelf.  Check out the label.  I have been using almond milk (milk made from soaking almonds in water) because it has more calcium than a glass of milk.
  • Salted nuts.  Take out the word “salted” and you’re okay.
  • Dried fruits.  Added sugars.  Eat real fruit.
  • Condiments.  Say “no” to ketchup, mayonnaise, barbecue sauce, sugar, ranch.  Say “yes” to mustard, Italian dressing, honey, hummus, low sodium soy or Greek yogurt.
  • Fast food – No explanation needed – we all know better.
  • Sugar free” or “fat free” items such as as sugar free jello, sugar free pudding, fat free butter, etc.   That won’t mean you’ll be loading up on full fat, sugar and high calorie foods.  It means you have to be more cautious with your grocery shopping and find natural sugar free and fat free products that are organic and chemical free.
  • Animal products.  Again, before you go crazy on me, listen up.  I eat mostly vegetarian on the weekdays and eat some seafood on the weekends.  I try to limit my chicken and hardly ever have red meat.  Too much meat can be harmful on your cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and heart.  Meat can also be very high in saturated fat which can play a role in heart disease and some cancers.  I get most of my iron and protein from spinach, nuts, beans, legumes and vegetables.

2. Stay active doing something you love – don’t just rely on the gym or your basement for exercise.  Start playing tennis with friends, join a fitness class, schedule a walk with your significant other, etc.  You have to enjoy what you are doing.  This is a picture of what I LOVE doing – exercising at a weekend fitness convention with my favorite workout partner, my mom, next to me on the right.


3. Do grocery shopping yourself – If you rely on a significant other to do the shopping they might purchase unnecessary calorie items because they might not have the same lifestyle as you.  If junk food or empty calorie items are in the house, you’re more likely to eat it.
4. Sleep better – The latest study showed that people gain an average of 2 pounds if they sleep only 5 hours for 5 days in a row.  Sleep plays a huge role in your energy levels because it helps your body rest and restore and keep your immune system going strong.  If you have a hard time falling asleep, try yoga, a hot bath, bedtime tea, and please just turn off all electronics.
5. Organize – I use Sundays to map out the week ahead.  I plan meals and cook all my side dishes.  I organize snacks in ziplock bags which prevents me from grabbing an entire container of nuts to nosh on while watching TV.  Planning is key to success.  Most nutritionists, dietitians, healthy people, and successful weight loss people know what they are eating not only that day but also the next day.
6. Limit eating after a certain time.   Night time is the danger zone for pointless calorie consumption.  Perhaps you just put the kids to bed and want to relax – here comes the wine and chocolate or potato chips or whatever comfort food you enjoy.  Make a goal to not enter the fridge or food cabinets after 7 or 8pm.  Tell your significant other so they can help make you accountable.  I also don’t like to go to bed on a full stomach because my sleep is disrupted as your body is trying to digest food.
7. Watch inspirational healthy living videos.  Watch Tedtalks, the Biggest Loser or Extreme Makeover Weight Loss.   Here are a list of interesting documentaries most of which can be found on Netflix:

  • Food Inc.
  • Vegucated
  • Food Matters
  • Fed Up
  • Fork Over Knives
  • Hungry for a Change
  • Fat Sick & Nearly Dead
  • Killer at Large (why obesity is America’s greatest threat)
  • Supersize Me

8. Drink water.  Bla, bla, bla, right?  Everyone knows this.  We’ll if you’re still struggling, you need to find a way to keep track.  Purchase a water bottle that’s labeled and make sure you drink 2 of these/day.

water bottle


9. Replace unhealthy foods. There’s no need for empty calories.  Throw it all away and replace it with healthy options like fruits and veggies.  If you’re hungry and that’s the only option in your fridge, you’ll immediately be eating better and watch the weight come flying off.
10. Eat breakfast. We’ve all heard this before.  Just do it, trust me.  Those that skip breakfast immediately lower their  resting metabolism.  You have to fuel your engine!
11. Make sure your significant other and close friends and family members are on board.  They don’t have to have the exact eating habits (and don’t push it on them if they don’t want to), but let them know how important this is to you.  Don’t let them sabotage your healthy eating.  You won’t lose weight if you hang out with enablers that pressure you to eat junk, make fun of your healthy habits or laugh at the thought of going to the gym.


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