Gyms are guaranteed to be packed in January.  People start the new year with resolutions of weight loss, getting in shape, creating a healthier lifestyle, etc.  I believe that most of these resolutions in January come from the overindulging in eating, drinking, and celebrating people do in December for the holidays. Even the regular exerciser can neglect working out during the month of December.
Alexander Chernev is a marketing professor at Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management.  He surveyed 900 Americans earlier this year about their New Year resolutions.  43% of people surveyed stated losing weight was their number one resolution.  He also asked these people to state the resolutions they were unable to achieve the year prior.  Losing weight was the number one goal people failed to achieve.
There are a few things to consider if weight loss is your resolution: 

  • Make resolutions SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound.  Losing weight may be your ultimate goal, but it is not a specific goal.  Losing 10 pounds in 90 days is a more “SMART” goal.
  • Have a variety of workouts.  You can’t do the same aerobics class the rest of your life.  Not only will you get bored, but your body will adapt.
  • Find a friend with similar goals.  You can help make each other more accountable.
  • Be patient.  Real life workouts are not like the Biggest Loser.  You will not lose 30 pounds in one week, or even 10 pounds in one week.  It may take 6-8 weeks until people see real results.  So don’t get frustrated and quit too soon.
  • If finances are tough, think of your health as an investment.  Budget fitness into your life.  Having a personal trainer even if it’s for the first few months may be important to get you on the right path and figure out what your body needs.  The trainer should then provide you with the tools and knowledge to continue independently.


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