Most of the women that contact me want to lose weight.  If you want to lose weight, you’re going to have to make sacrifices because losing weight is sometimes NOT easy.   It doesn’t mean changing everything overnight, but simply being open to new ways of doing things.  Some things you might need to change for a healthy life are:

  • Daily Routines. There are plenty of days I’d like to set my snooze to sleep in later, but I know I need to get up early to fit in my workout.  And that may mean getting up at 4:20am.  It’s discipline.  You may need to set the alarm earlier to make breakfast, prepare your lunch, or squeeze in a workout.  You may need to use your lunch hour for exercise or go for a walk after work instead of watching TV.  Are you willing to do this?
  • Limits. You might need to set new rules for yourself.  I tell people to limit the TV and limit the length of time spent at a computer.  You’ll need to pay attention to how you spend your time and where you’re out of balance so you can add more movement.  If you’re tired after a long day of work, the worst thing you could do is eat and sit in front of the TV.  A walk may help provide you with a little energy.
  • Your Pantry.  If it’s in your pantry, you will eat it… Doritos, chocolate, cookies, ice cream, etc.  I’m a HUGE sucker for chocolate, but I try to limit myself only to a small serving daily.  If you want to be healthy, you need to get rid of those foods you just can’t resist.  Go grocery shopping after a meal so you are not hungry and shopping irrationally.
  • Your Schedule.  If you are not willing to sit down and change the way you live each day to include exercise, time to prepare meals, and time to nurture yourself with sleep, it’s going to be hard to lose weight.  If you are not willing to commit, you will not be successful.  People use busy schedules as an excuse not to be healthy.  I work two jobs with crazy hours, yet somehow I manage to fit in daily workouts and plan my meals ahead of time.  It’s about commitment to a healthy lifestyle.

If you are ready to commit to a change and need help adjusting your lifestyle, contact me.  I will help you rearrange your lifestyle and guide you to a healthy future.

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