
Learn about what's new with Prestige Wellbeing as well as tips for better wellbeing


The Dreaded Post-Pregnancy Belly

Everyone has something about their body they hate and something they love. I hate my skin (prone to breakouts) and dark circles under my eyes. I love my arms and my stomach. So naturally getting pregnant, could totally change what [...]

You Need to Eat to Build Muscle

If there is a hotel gym when I am traveling, I typically try to get in a workout. I not only want to get in a workout, but I also want to check out the gym equipment. And I also want to people watch [...]

My Week of Calorie Counting

Most of my clients’ main goal is to lose weight.  The general principal behind weight loss is a simple one: you have to burn more calories than you consume.  Obviously I provide clients with ways to incorporate exercise in to [...]

How Much Salt Are You Having?

Probably too much.  Have you tried tracking your sodium?  Many people track their caloric intake, but it is also important to track your sodium.  I try to have my clients keep a food diary.  If you have a smart phone [...]

TRX and Suspension Training

The TRX or the suspension trainer is a pair of reinforced straps anchored somewhere with handgrips at the end that allow you to do a ton of exercises that work the whole body.  It is marketed as being easily portable [...]

Muscle Soreness After Exercise

What is muscle soreness? Muscle soreness can be alarming and discouraging for new exercisers, but no need to panic.  Delayed onset muscle soreness, called DOMS, or muscle fever, is that pain you may feel a few hours or days after [...]

Thinking About a Detox?

Women's Health posted an interesting article by Linda Beil: How a Fruit Juice Cleanse Affects Your Body Thinking of signing up for a fruit juice cleanse?  You might first consider how your body reacts to a week with no protein [...]

“Each day is a new opportunity to improve yourself. Take it and make the most of it.”

“Each day is a new opportunity to improve yourself. Take it and make the most of it.”

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