My recent online search for the most popular tips for weight loss were mostly based around nutritional changes.  The basics are if you want to lose weight, eat less and move more.  But here is my top 10 weight loss tips.

  1. Eat natural foods.  If you don’t understand 1/2 the ingredients in what you are eating, put it down.  Aspartame, saccharin, sucralose, phenylalkaline, high fructose corn syrup are examples of things to avoid.
  2. Drink water.  8-12 glasses each day.  Yes, you’ll make many trips to the bathroom.  Water reduces fluid retention naturally and promotes the release of toxins from the body.
  3. Plan ahead, snack and eat smaller, home made meals.  A recent study showed that most healthy people know what they are eating the following day.   And always have healthy snacks around…in your purse, car, desk drawer, etc.  Avoid eating out due to the high amount of hidden calories and sodium in fast food and restaurants.
  4. Don’t drink your calories.  If you cut out that daily 140 calorie soda, you’ll lose 15 pounds in a year.
  5. Track what you eat.  Many people avoid this simple step even though there is statistical evidence that supports success for people who do.  You become aware of what you thought was harmless and can throw off your results. There are plenty of apps for your phone that will log your caloric intake.
  6. Exercise daily.  Yes, DAILY!  It can be a 15 minute walk over your lunch break or an intense hour-long workout.  The Department of Health and Human Services recommends at least 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes a week of vigorous aerobic activity.  They also recommend strength training twice a week.
  7. Use smaller plates.  Plate sizes have increased by about 20% over the years.  Your grandma’s plates are probably much smaller than your plates.  Simply put, a smaller plate will hold less calories.
  8. Reduce or avoid any temptations.  Get up right now, go to your kitchen and throw away all chips, cookies and candies.  If your workplace has temptations keep your goals and plan visible to you at your office where you will see it all day.
  9. Fill up on fruits and vegetables.  It is recommended to have 2.5 cups of vegetables and fruits each day.  Make sure your lunch and/or dinner plate is mostly veggies.  Make sure your fridge is stocked with plenty of fruits, and this will be a great alternative to those cookies…which hopefully you’ve thrown away after reading the previous tip.
  10. Set goals.  Reasonable ones.  Life isn’t The Biggest Loser.  You most likely will not lose 10 pounds in one week.  Aim for one pound a week.  That’s with cutting roughly 3,500 calories from your diet or burning an extra 3,500 calories per week.


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